Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Life is Good

My last post said we were going to Fogey Hollow for a few days.  Well, we took the road to Wilder Springs and decided we'd stay there instead.  It's a lovely place and we parked close to an area where we had tent camped many years ago.  The water runs over a row of stones making a soothing sound.  I love to stand there and listen.

One afternoon I sat at our site and listened to the breeze blowing through the trees and watching the leaves dance down to the ground.  There is just a little fall color so far.  The temperature has been in the 80's during the day and 60's at night.

Gene made a nice fire one night and we roasted hot dogs.  They always seem to taste better over a campfire.

The only minor setback was an issue with our toilet.  It had not been holding water in the bowl for a while due to a worn seal.  I could live with that.  Then the cable that allowed the toilet to flush broke.  No living with that!  We made an appointment with E.J. RV Service in West Plains for last Tuesday and a new toilet was installed.    Russ had told me it was a "high profile" which meant it was 4" taller than our old one.  I did not fully comprehend the implications of that until Gene suggested I sit on it to see if it was all right.  I almost had to jump up on it as my little short legs couldn't navigate the extra 4" comfortably.  The extra height also caused Gene to hit his head on the above shelf.   Russ was so kind to remove it and hook our old one back up.
They ordered a "low profile" model and we had it installed yesterday.  Such little setbacks cause one to really appreciate the simple things of life.

Now, if any of you have ever watched the movie "RV", you'll remember Robin Williams had to go to the bathhouse to get a signal for his computer.  Well, here I am, in the Ladies Bathroom, laptop perched up on two sinks and typing away.  I've paid bills, read my emails, etc.  One learns how to make adjustments when on the road.

Yesterday when we came back from town we settled in Fogey Hollow right next to the creek.  Gene is fixing a fire tonight and I'll cook pork chops over it.
Truly, life is good!

1 comment:

Margie and Roger said...

Haven't been around a campfire in a long time. You're right about those hot dogs over a fire. Yum Yum. Glad you got a new potty that works for both of you.