Saturday, October 18, 2008

Maine to Penn

Wow, have we covered some miles in the last few days. When we left Truro Campground, we drove over to The Highland Lighthouse. In addition to seeing the lighthouse, we were treated to an antique car show. There were a group of Chevrolet owners - vintage cars from 1917 to 1958 - touring the grounds at the same time. What a delight.

The next stop was Catch of the Day restaurant at Wellfleet. I had a delicious clamroll with so many clams spilling over onto the plate that I have had two more meals. We drove back off the Cape, over the Cape Cod Canal and through Rhode Island. It reinforced why I don't like big cities - it's a bit nervewracking keeping tract of the lane and exits - even with the GPS.

Connecticut was beautiful with leaves, farmland, hills and massive stone churches in many of the towns. It's impossible to get a picture of them on the move, so I just store the memory.

We stayed at Strawberry Park RV Resort in Preston, CT Wed. night. It was very quiet as it was during the week - only $30.00 a night. You should see the weekend prices!

Thursday we traveled across CT and stayed at the Welcome Station at exit 2 in Danbury. Nick had recommended it as a good dry camping overnight spot. We slept well and were on our way yesterday across NY, NJ and to Thousand Trails in Lebanon, PA near Hershey. I hear the chocolate calling.

We'll probably stay here a week so we can go to Gettysburg and Lancaster County and rest up a little.

The temp was down to 35 last night, but we were toasty warm with new blanket from L.L. Bean
and little electric heater. We won't stay North too long if it starts to freeze.

Until next time, God's blessings to all of you.

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